Editing questions
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Below the report settings, you can see the list of report items. For each item, the order, number and percentage of responses, the question type (bipole, tripole, picture pointer, etc.), the question name, the title, the item type, the customisation, the item size (S, M, L or XL), visibility in the report and the actions described below.
Next to editing the general settings of the report, it is possible to customise each question to your liking. Click on the question on the icon ‘Edit’ on the right of the question. There you also see the possibility of duplicating or deleting the question (if you have the authority to do so). Duplication can be helpful if, for example, you would like to show the same question once classified in terms of age and once in terms of departments.
To edit one question, click the ‘Edit Icon’, you will see the same option settings as for the overall report, but this time they only relate to this specific question.
Title: This automatically shows your question text. It is possible to change this into the item name (the name you gave your question). It is also possible to change it into something new.
Item language: Choose the language in which you want to portray the answer options.
Item size: Select the size of your question. Play around with this for an interactive look.
Stories to show: Select which open question text pops up when you click on a dot in this question. If no open question text is selected here, the report default will be shown.
Pop-up answers to show: Select the answers to which open question or single choice question appear when you move your mouse over the dot. If none is selected here, the report default will be shown.
Colour classifier: Select whether the dots of this question will be given different colours depending on a classifier question.
Colour scheme: The Sprockler colour scheme is automatically selected but it is also possible to have your own colour scheme. Simply send it to us and we'll make sure you can use it for your inquiry.
Item type: Displays the type of question selected.
Hide box frame: Select this question if you want the box around the question to disappear.
Chart type: For some question types, multiple chart types are possible.
Bipole dot: Shows the dots on a flat line
Stacked dot: Stacks the dots onto each other
Open text
Response text: Show all responses underneath each other
Word Cloud: Highlight the most frequently used words
Single Choice
Multi dot: Shows the dots next to each other
Pie chart: Shows the results in a pie chart
Multi dot: Shows the dots next to each other
Pie chart: Shows the results in a pie chart
Visibility: Determine whether this question is visible in the report or not.
Below the settings, you can easily see the question and see the effect your changes have on the item.
Below this, you see the list of answer options for this question and the list of responses. If you open the list of answer options, you can exclude certain answers options, from for example multiple-choice questions. For Word Cloud images, this is also the place where you can exclude certain words from the Word Cloud that do not make any sense. Words with fewer than 3 letters are automatically excluded from the image. In the list of responses, you can turn some responses off. All responses are automatically included, unticking the checkbox deletes these responses from this question. It will not delete the responses given by this respondent to the other questions. If you wish to delete this entire respondent’s answers, you can do that under the ‘Quick Scan’ in the Designer.