Setting up your inquiry online

This part of the Designer manual will walk you through the steps of getting your inquiry up and running.

To set up a new inquiry, open the Designer by clicking on the green Designer button in the left menu and click on 'Create new inquiry'.

You first need to provide a name for your inquiry, select the organisation it falls under and select the languages you want to use in it. Inquiries are always linked to an organisation. Organisations allow multiple people to work together on the same inquiry. When creating a new inquiry you either select an existing organisation that you are linked to in the dropdown menu or you create a new one. If the organisation you want to create an inquiry for does not appear in the dropdown menu but does already exist, contact the colleague in charge of the organisation on Sprockler to invite you to the organisation. If you wish to create an inquiry that is part of a new organisation (not appearing in your dropdown menu yet), you can create a new organisation by going to the Organisations tab in your left menu and clicking on ‘Add organisation’.

Once you have created a new inquiry, you will arrive at the dashboard of this particular inquiry. This dashboard provides details about your inquiry such as the name and languages you have just selected, the number of current participants (0 if you have just created your inquiry), links to CSV/excel and media downloads. You will also see several tabs on the top indicating what you can do with your inquiry.

The tab next to the ‘Inquiry Details’ tab is ‘Edit Inquiry’. Here you can change the name of the inquiry that you have just provided, change or add languages, translate the title of your inquiry and add your own logo.

To start creating your questions, click on the tab ‘Edit Questions’.

Add a question

  • Select your 'Question Type'

    • Descriptive Text: This is a simple text, which can be used for example to introduce your inquiry.

    • Open Question: Open-ended question where you can choose yourself whether you want respondents to be able to answer it with text, photos, videos or audio (or a combination of all of the above). Short text option offers you a small text box for example for names or titles, long text option offers a larger box for stories and for answers to open-ended questions.

    • Single Choice Question: Respondents can only select one answer with this question. This is the question to be used when creating classifiers.

    • Multiple Choice Question: Respondents can select multiple answers. You can indicate how many they can maximally and minimally choose.

    • Bipole Question: See bipoles

    • Tripole Question: See tripoles

    • Picture Pointer: See picture pointers

    • Numeric question: Respondents can only respond to this question with numbers. You can indicate the range of the numbers and how many decimals are allowed.

    • Ranking question: Respondents get a list of items they can rearrange in the order fitting the questions by moving the items to the right place. (Not yet visible for all - if you would like to use this question, please get in contact with us)

    • Mindmap question: Respondents are presented with mindmap about a certain topic and are asked to select the one or multiple elements from the mindmap. (Not yet visible for all - if you would like to use this question, please get in contact with us)

    • Location question: Respondents are asked to indicate their location using mapping software, allowing you to set the location parameters (the zoom, the focus, etc). (Not yet visible for all - if you would like to use this question, please get in contact with us)

  • Enter 'Unique Variable Name', this is the name of your question. This will not be visible anywhere else but for you and is useful for quickly finding the right question in your Designer and Visualizer. For example: ‘Question 1 Story’.

  • Write 'Question text'. Write the text of your question.

  • Select the 'Language' you want to start creating your questions in.

  • If desired, you can add an illustration.

Options to select on the right side of the screen:

  • Group with previous question: This means you can make this question appear on the same page as the last question in the app.

  • Interviewer Question: In case you are interviewing respondents with interviewers and wish to find out information about the interviewer as well as about the person being interviewed you can create these questions (for example the name of the interviewer or the code associated with the programme that the respondent might not know).

  • The use of 'Exclusion Logic' allows you to skip certain questions when specific answers have been provided to previous questions. For example, if people answering 'no' to a certain question should get other follow-up questions then people answering 'yes'. See below.

Depending on the question type you select, other options will appear:

  • Selecting 'Required' will make the question obligatory for people to answer, they cannot skip it without filling it.

  • 'Allow not applicable': If you think not everybody is able to answer a question, you can select this button so people tick a box and skip this question.

  • 'Other Allowed': In an enumeration, like a single choice or multiple choice question, this button provides a next option stating 'Other, namely ... ' that people can fill in with their own wording.

  • 'Randomize Choices': If you want the items in an enumeration such a multi or single choice to appear randomly, select this button.

On the right side, you will also see 'Storage tag' being mentioned. This is a tag used in cohort studies. In practice, you will not frequently need this option. If people keep using the same device to answer personal inquiries, it is possible to set up questions, such as age and gender, that are remembered by the device. For a next inquiry, respondents do not have to fill in these questions again if the button 'Skip when answer found on device' is selected. If you would like to integrate this feature, please get in contact with us.

Exclusion logic

To build in exclusion logic (sometimes also referred to as skip logic), use the following steps:

  • Select the button 'Exclusion logic' when on the editing page of the question where you wish to implement the logic

  • The exclusion logic set-up appears below the question (sometimes you have to scroll down a bit)

  • Select the control question and control answer

  • Select whether you wish this question to appear or not appear when this answer has been chosen

Last updated